Callie Cetingok

Callie Ford has built a successful career starting as a financial advisor and business owner. She has been recognized for her dynamic, “no quit” approach to life.  She has overcome some major hurdles both professional and personally and come out stronger on the other side.  She is passionate about empowering and motivating other female professionals.

Her message is clear, “You can have a couple of wins here and there throughout life or you can dominate in life – It’s your choice.” – Callie Ford

Due to her son’s diagnosis with Charge Syndrome, Callie has become passionate about charity work in the special needs community, and specifically with the CHARGE Foundation. She and her family enjoy traveling the world and discovering new experiences.

Her son, who has defied all odds, keeps her motivated and on her toes! She feels blessed to have such a fulfilling career that offers flexibility she needs to care for her son while still growing as a successful businesswoman.


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