“Anybody can work with simple and like-minded people. The superpower is when you can work with Difficult People who see the world differently.

—Author, Ryan Leak

Hi, I'm Ryan Leak

Hi, I'm Ryan Leak

Hi, I'm Ryan Leak Hi, I'm Ryan Leak


You probably don’t have to think very hard to answer that question. You already know their name, their job title, their quirks, and their flaws. You have firsthand experience with the mental and emotional fallout they leave in their wake. You’ve seen the problems their complexity creates for everyone on their team. You wish you could fix them, solve them, ignore them, or teleport them to a parallel dimension.

But you can’t. 


(You could quit, but your next job will have a complicated person waiting for you.)

That means you need effective strategies to collaborate with (nearly) anyone. Especially the picky, prickly, problematic ones.  

Drawing from his global consulting experience with teams and leaders from the glitz of sports and entertainment to the number-crunching world of finance to the meticulous realms of insurance, pharma, and manufacturing, Ryan Leak provides proven strategies for…

Detoxing unrealistic expectations and getting comfortable with complicated

Learning to communicate effectively in complex environments

Embracing healthy disagreement as a tool to discover better solutions

Seeing challenging individuals as human beings to understand rather than problems to solve

Setting boundaries that let people into your world without letting them run your world

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How to Work with Complicated People

As part of the friendship between Ryan Leak and United Rentals, we’re excited to offer you a free copy of Ryan’s latest book, How to Work with Complicated People.

At United Rentals, we know that exceptional leadership isn’t just about managing equipment—it’s about leading people. And let’s be real, people can be complicated. Whether it’s navigating team dynamics, managing customer relationships, or fostering a strong workplace culture, the ability to work with all kinds of personalities is a game-changer.

Ryan’s book is packed with practical strategies to help leaders like you create a thriving team environment—where communication improves, collaboration strengthens, and challenges turn into opportunities.

There’s no catch—just our way of adding value to the incredible leaders at United Rentals. Simply submit your information below, and we’ll send your copy as soon as it’s released.

headshot of Ryan Leak

Ryan Leak?

Ryan Leak is a best-selling author, esteemed executive coach, and a highly sought-after transformational speaker. With an incredible reach of over 1 million people every year through his keynotes, Ryan's words have the power to transform lives. Each year, he dedicates his expertise and research to the growth of over 100,000 leaders, spanning the spectrum from Fortune 100 corporations to elite professional sports teams. While Ryan wears many hats, the ones he is most proud to wear are husband to Amanda and father to Jaxson and Roman.