Leveling Up
12 Questions to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Development
You may not be the CEO of your company, but you are the CEO of your own development. It’s time to become the next-level teammate, partner, parent, and person you’ve always wanted to be.
Chasing Failure
How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success
So many resources are poured into building leaders, but not enough resources are poured into building good followers. The art of followership is important for everyone, not just the CEO. And there are some key habits that make followers effective.
No offense. None taken.
Being unoffendable isn't about never getting offended. It's about not staying offended. One of the greatest threats to our happiness is holding on to an offense. One offense has the ability to ruin someone's day, someone's week, someone's month, someone's year, or for some... their entire life.
UnOffendable is an outline of how God can use the things in life that have hurt us the most, to shape our confidence and help us become the people we've always wanted to be.
The One
An Amazing Love Story Starts with You
Most people will admit that they are looking for an amazing love story. We’ve all seen those couples, the ones holding hands or whispering to each other as they stare into one another’s eyes as if they share an awesome secret. We watch them and wonder, what’s up with those two? God has something amazing in mind for you, but he can’t get you there without your help.
Ryan Leak’s Podcasts are full of even more life development.
Ryan’s podcasts are designed to help followers follow their leaders, and to help leaders understand their followers. While leadership is often a more popular discussion and billions are spent every year consuming leadership resources, most of us will spend most of our careers doing more following than leading and we need help to do it.