Answer this question: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Would you write a book? Would you produce music? Would you start your own business? Would you go back to school? Would you get married? Would you lose weight? We all have something we'd love to do, but often, our fear of failure outweighs the potential of our destiny. But what if you found out that failure could actually help you succeed? Through Ryan Leak's journey to chasing his NBA dream and his encounter with 5-time NBA champion, Kobe Bryant, Chasing Failure will help you remove every excuse you've ever had for not pursuing the life you want to live.


Being unoffendable isn't about never getting offended. It's about not staying offended. 

One of the greatest threats to our happiness is holding on to an offense. One offense has the ability to ruin someone's day, someone's week, someone's month, someone's year, or for some... their entire life.

UnOffendable is an outline of how God can use the things in life that have hurt us the most, to shape our confidence and help us become the people we've always wanted to be.



The couple behind the viral "The Surprise Wedding" video share personal stories and practical advice about finding The One through faith. 

Most people will admit that they are looking for an amazing love story. We’ve all seen those couples, the ones holding hands or whispering to each other as they stare into one another’s eyes as if they share an awesome secret. We watch them and wonder, what’s up with those two?